kybun products for amateur and professional sport

Effektiv træning og aktiv restitution

Med det bløde, elastiske fjederunderlag kyBounder kan kondition og velbefindende øges markant med minimal indsats. Det fleksible underlag sørger for, at kroppen hele tiden er i bevægelse. De små bevægelser løsner og styrker muskulaturen, stimulerer stofskiftet og træner det vegetative nervesystem.

Øvelser på kyBounder egner sig til både fritidssportsudøvere og professionelle atleter. Små bevægelser intensiveres med kyBounder. På den måde forbedres både det fysiske og mentale velbefindende i løbet af kort tid. Den intensive bevægelse af de dybereliggende muskelpartier stimulerer kredsløbssystem. En blanding af udholdenheds-, muskel- og koordinationstræning, som er rigtig sjovt.

Ved kybun mikro-interval-metoden på kyTrainer sker belastning og restitution i de fleste tilfælde i 15 sekunders intervaller. Sådanne kortvarige intervaller medfører ikke tilsyring af musklerne. Den mælkesyre (laktat), som er skadelig for træningen, ophobes ikke. Endvidere efterfølges belastningen altid af en restitution af samme varighed eller endda længere. Disse faktorer
fremmer, at kroppen ikke bliver træt, selv om den udsættes for intensiv træning. kybun bringer kraft ind i musklerne og balance ind i hverdagen.

kybun products not just for professional athletes

kybun for competitive sport

Sports medicine professionals recommend regularly strengthening the deep muscles in order to prepare as well as possible for a competition. Only active, strengthened muscles can provide protection against damage to ligaments, tendons and joints. Usually, only the large muscle groups are exercised regularly and the small, delicate segments are often neglected. This unnecessarily increases the risk of an injury.
Top athletes train hard and often and unfortunately, most of them only train in one way. Depending on the sport, many athletes suffer from long-term, irreparable injuries after their careers. These injuries are often due to extreme, repetitive strain to specific parts of the body.

Fortunately, this is increasingly being prevented and physiotherapists are paying more attention to gentle training methods for handball players, footballers or track and field athletes. Alongside endurance and strength training, it is also important to train and stabilise the deep muscle groups. Using the kybun mat allows you to benefit from gentle intramuscular training, which is the ideal supplement to the further training programme of any top-class sport. Kybun shoe and the kybun mat help you to actively recover after hard training sessions or competitions.

kybun is a leader in the fields of performance improvement, injury therapy, prevention and regeneration.

Benefits and effect:

  • Exercises muscles
  • Improves coordination
  • Increases the supply of blood to the muscles
  • Actively regenerates
  • Prevents injuries

Customer testimonials

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Media reports about kybun products used in sports

Wednesday 07. August 2019 kyTrainer – A unique, multifunctional physiotherapy device

kyTrainer – A unique, multifunctional physiotherapy device

The soft, springy kyTrainer treadmill from kybun is a multifunctional physiotherapy device that is the only one of its kind in the world. [more]

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