Standing in lessons increases concentration

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Sitting dominates our lives from a young age.

The best way to change set structures and behaviour patterns is by incorporating movement and energy into everyday life at school.

The kybun mat simulates a soft, flexible surface. Even simply swaying on the kybun mat activates a range of different muscles. Studies show that moderately moving while learning makes learning easier and increases intelligence. In contrast, sitting still and concentrating result in significantly poorer results. What’s more, kybun prevents incorrect posture and relieves school-related stress.

Effect and benefits:

  • Increased concentration when learning
  • Increases creativity
  • The combination of moderate exercise and mental activity increases learning capacity
  • Improves posture
  • Improves coordination and body perception
  • Improves well-being
  • Burns calories, even during lessons
  • Is great fun
  • Helps reduce hyperactive behaviour

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