kybun testimonials and video interviews

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kybun Opinions

Volunteer drivers at the Swiss Red Cross from the region of Rorschach and Rheintal, Canton of St. Gallen, went on a trip to visit the kybun World. They learned how springy and shock-absorbent the shoe is by wearing it, and were deeply impressed. This was topped off by how astonished they were when they changed back into their normal shoes. The experience tour was fascinating, informative and very entertaining. Thank you for offering us such a polished and illuminating tour. It’s a nice excursion for groups to go on, because you can experience the shoe first-hand.

The Swiss Red Cross, Canton of St. Gallen

kybun shoes ideally combine three important factors of healthy and pleasant walking in shoes – the springiness of every step, comfort – thanks to the perfect shape and spaciousness of the shoe – and easy lower extremities workout and exercise just through regular walking, thanks to the principle of the unstable underfoot. Engaging maximum muscles of lower extremities as well as the torso automatically leads to their strengthening. Involving all muscles in regular walking also results in significant performance boost of the “muscle pump”, which has a wholesome effect on the venous and lymphatic system of lower extremities. Walking in these shoes therefore relieves chronic back and joint pain, is beneficial for overstrained tendons and ligaments and last but not least it can reduce tension and pressure in calves. The main use of kybun shoes is for me walking on hard surfaces – walking to work in the city, intensive city tourism (excursion tours, etc.). But you will greatly benefit from them in lighter terrain as well. Put on the kybun shoes and your feet will be grateful to you!! On top of that, they are just comfy to walk in…

Jiří Šedivý, M.D., head of the Department of Orthopedics, Jihlava Hospital, Czech Republic

These are the most comfortable and supportive shoes I have ever worn. As a somatic psychologist, I am well aware of the importance of having your feet support the rest of your body. The kybun shoes provide great support for my lumbar spine. I am 72 years old and play a lot of golf, so every once in a while my back is sore. All I have to do is take a walk in my kybun shoe and my back feels completely relieved. Moreover, they make me feel as if I am walking on air. In the past the first thing I did when I came home from the office is to remove my shoes. Now, I am reluctant to take them off; they are more comfortable than my slippers. So for comfort and support, I can no longer wear any other shoes. My second pair will be arriving soon, and I am already thinking about my third pair. They are worth every penny.

Don St John, Ph.D., Somatic Psychologist from Salt Lake City, Utah - USA

Als ich eine Erkältung mit sehr starken Kopfschmerzen hatte, ging ich nach Tagen zum Arzt. Der schickte mich mit einer Lungenentzündung nach Hause. Normalerweise habe ich mit meinen normalen Kissen kein Problem, aber in diesem Fall hat mir nur das kySsen geholfen, meine Kopfschmerzen in den Griff zu bekommen. Auch in der Nacht konnte ich durch die gute Stütze und die aktive Lagerung recht gut atmen und schlafen. Seit diesem Erlebnis, nehme ich das kySsen überall hin mit. Egal ob ins Hotel, in die Pension oder auch wenn ich privat bei jemandem übernachte. Ich kann das kySsen jedem sehr empfehlen, der sich auch gesund schlafen möchte.

Silvia Meier, Switzerland

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